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Husband: Theodore Earl Raph | |||
Born: | 14 Sep 1905[318] | at: | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States |
Married: | 28 Dec 1957 | at: | Temple Emanu-el, New York, New York |
Died: | 20 Dec 1991 | at: | Scottsdale, Maricopa, Arizona, USA |
Father: | Louis Mordecai Raph | ||
Mother: | Sarah Ann Gorney | ||
Notes: | [319] | ||
Wife: Jane Elizabeth Beasley | |||
Born: | 31 May 1917[19] | at: | Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA |
Died: | 4 Sep 2000[20] | at: | Claremont, California |
Father: | Johnson Tucker Beasley | ||
Mother: | Elizabethe Margarethe Wilhelmine Bremser | ||
Notes: | [21] | ||
Children |
/-- /--Nachman Raffiewitz | \-- /--Louis Mordecai Raph | | /-- | \--Gittle Gorney | \--Gissie Horney |--Theodore Earl Raph | /--Simon Gorney | /--Simon Gorney | | \--Sarah Horney \--Sarah Ann Gorney | /--Simon Gorney \--Hindea Radinsky \--Chia Nuchatovich
/--Thomas Wesley Beasley /--Luther Sanford Beasley | \--Ann Elizabeth Claggett /--Johnson Tucker Beasley | | /--James Augustine Claggett | \--Ruth Matella Claggett | \--Catherine Johnson |--Jane Elizabeth Beasley | /--Philipp Nikolaus Karl Bremser | /--Philipp Gottlieb Elias Bremser | | \--Marie Jacobine Weidenmueller \--Elizabethe Margarethe Wilhelmine Bremser | /--Philipp Nikolaus Karl Bremser \--Katherine Philopena Klein \--Katharine Wilhelmine Seel
[319] Ted changed his name legally from Jehial Isadore to Theodore Earl on March 24, 1930.
Ted was a composer, arranger, and conductor. He played Dixieland trombone with touring groups in the East during the 1920s. He later composed and arranged for a number of big bands in the 1930s. He composed for television, radio. and film. He served in the U.S. Army from 1943-1945 in the Special Services Division and Signal Corps Photographic Center conducting, composing, and arranging music for movie shorts, transcriptions, and radio shows. He went on to an active role in prominent radio and TV shows, including "Name That Tune" on radio from 1952-1953 and on TV from 1953 - 1959. He followed that on "Yours For A Song" from 1961 - 1963.
Theodore Earl Raph, 86, of Scottsdale, a professional musician, died Dec. 20, 1991. He was born in Boston. Survivors include his wife, Jane; son, Alan; step-daughter, Ranney; two sisters Ruth and Gertrude of New York City; and three grandchildren. Private services will be held at a later date. Altman Memorial Chapel, Scottsdale, Arizona.
--Arizona Republic December 26, 1991
Musical works include
* On Broadway: "A Time for Singing" (opened May 21 1966) Additional orchestrations by Ted Raph.
* Dream a Little Dream of Me, Teddy Raph and his Orchestra. 1931 Smith Ballew, vocal
* Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone, 1931 Smith Ballew, vocal
* Big Broadcast: Jazz and Popular Music of the 1920s and 1930s, Vol. 5 (on trombone)
* SUNDAY SPECTACULAR, THE: THE BACHELOR (TV) Music arr by Ted Raph (Broadcast live, July 15, 1956 Sunday 7:30 PM)
~SSN 130-10-2431
[21] In August 1952 Jane was diagnosed with cystic endometrosis. Dr. C. Burns conducted an salpingo-opehorectormy at this time. Jane was continually bothered with tenderness and pain in her reproductive system, and had a partial hysterectomy at an early age which prevented her from having children.
Jane educated herself at Bowling Green State University, University of Michigan, and Teacher's College at Columbia University, obtaining a Ed.D in Child Developmental Psychology. She later completed a post-doctoral study in Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University and New York University, New York City. She was the first in her family to obtain a university degree.
She was associated with the leading researchers and educators in early child development. She taught from 1957 to 1976 in the Graduate School of Education, Department of Psychological Foundations, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. She co-authored in 1973 with dean Milton Schwebel "Piaget in the Classroom" that 30 years later is still in print.
She was a pioneer in establishing Head Start in South Carolina. She taught at Rutgers Univeristy for over 25 years. After her retirement to Arizona, she continued to work at the Univeristy of Arizona and in the local school districts.
One of Jane's favorite poems:
We are daughters
in a hand of generations
in a mold of individuality.
framed by mothers'
grace repose
to do and be
what she was not
to plan our own path
Serenity to turn
a stone on its side
with insight
the larger part.
A ribbon to tie
on the curl of our own
a kiss
to bless the new ones
in ruffles.
-Author Unknown
Dr. Jane Beasley Raph, 83, passed away at home on September 4, 2000. Jane was born with her twin sister Ruth to Elizabeth Margaret Bremser and Johnson Tucker Beasley on May 31st, 1917 in Detroit, MI. Jane was the first in her family to attend college, beginning at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. In 1955 she received her Doctorate of Education from Teachers College at Columbia University. Jane was loved by her students for her personal encouragement along with her challenging, participative instructional methods. Jane was highly regarded by her colleagues for her collegial attitude and professional excellence.
During the 1960's, she assisted in establishing Head Start programs in disadvantaged areas in Alabama and New Jersey. She became an authority on early childhood education, especially Piaget. She published frequently during her long academic career at Rutgers University and, after 1977, at Arizona State University. Jane was preceded in death by her parents, her husband Theodore Raph, by her brother Robert, and by her sisters Ruth and Betty. She is survived by her sister Annabeth Phelps of Monterey, CA. and a nephew, Brian Phelps of Livermore, CA. Memorial gifts in lieu of flowers may be made to the Banner Hospice. A memorial service will be held on September 24 at 3:30 PM at Friendship Village in Tempe. Arrangements are being made by Tempe Mortuary.
--Arizona Republic, September 8, 2000
@1 [14152] [S759]
@1 [318] [S117]
@1 [19] [S7]
@1 [20] [S8]
Husband: K. D. Cunningham | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Notes: | [382] | ||
Wife: Ruth Kate Diuguid | |||
Born: | 8 Jan 1885[328] | at: | |
Died: | 6 Apr 1936[329] [330] | at: | Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, United States |
Father: | George Christian Diuguid | ||
Mother: | Annie Nancy Roberts | ||
Notes: | [331] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Autreifus Adaline Cunningham | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--K. D. Cunningham | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/--George Diuguid II /--William Henry Diuguid Sr. | \--Mary Elizabeth 'Betsy' Christian /--George Christian Diuguid | | /--Armistead G. Churchill | \--Catherine Malinda Churchill | \--Mary Randolph Moore |--Ruth Kate Diuguid | /-- | /--Lorenzo Dow Roberts | | \--Milly Roberts \--Annie Nancy Roberts | /-- \--Pheobe Jane Kirk \--
[382] Her husband's name is given in a hand-written note found among Annie Christy's papers.
[331] Based on the family Bible and a hand-written note found among Annie Christy's papers.
@1 [328] [S118]
@1 [329] [S118]
@1 [330] [S89]
Husband: Lorain Lee Tate | |||
Born: | 30 Jun 1877 | at: | Elkins, Washington, Arkansas |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 18 Dec 1951 | at: | Wesley, Madison, Arkansas |
Father: | Martin Vincent Tate | ||
Mother: | Mary Ann Duncan | ||
Notes: | [4215] | ||
Wife: Daisy Lorada Smith | |||
Born: | 10 Dec 1880 | at: | Elkins, Washington, Arkansas |
Died: | 24 Feb 1964 | at: | |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Mary Jane Tate | ||
Born: | 20 Sep 1904 | at: | Elkins, Ar |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 16 Mar 1991 | at: | Turlock, Ca |
Spouses: | Victor Hugo Rice | ||
Name: | Harry Estelle Tate | ||
Born: | 18 Aug 1913 | at: | Elkins, Washington, Arkansas |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 2 Nov 1998 | at: | Searcy, White Co., Ar. |
Spouses: | Mary Geraldine Johnson | ||
Name: | Harold Tate | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | Josie Landoni , (--?--) Dyke , Lona Mabel McElhaney | ||
Name: | Maxine Tate | ||
Born: | 15 Apr 1916 | at: | Elkins, Ar |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 17 Jan 1998 | at: | Walla Walla, Wa |
Spouses: | (--?--) Jones |
/-- /--Lee Patterson Tate | \-- /--Martin Vincent Tate | | /--Adolph Ebeerhart Sr. | \--Sarah A. Eberhardt | \--Elizabeth Phillips |--Lorain Lee Tate | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Mary Ann Duncan | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Daisy Lorada Smith | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
[4215] !Lorain was baptized into the church of Christ, Wesley, Arkansas. He was a farmer all his life. During the Depression he lost the farm he had raised his children on and moved to the state of Washington. Some of his children had earlier gone there and encouraged him and Daisy to move. He returned to Wesley, AR. to live near Harry Tate during the later years of his life.
Husband: Jo Rice Spiller | |||
Born: | 20 Oct 1897 | at: | Danville, Montgomery, Texas, United States |
Married: | 29 Jun 1919 | at: | Houston, Harris Co., Texas |
Died: | 16 Apr 1963 | at: | Houston, Harris Co., Texas |
Father: | William Fielding Spiller | ||
Mother: | Elizabeth Catherine Irvine | ||
Wife: Elsie Schneider | |||
Born: | 23 Mar 1903 | at: | Houston, Harris Co., Texas |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Joe Spiller | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Lydia Spiller | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/--George Spiller /--George Anderson Spiller | \--Mary Spears /--William Fielding Spiller | | /--William Sampson Diuguid | \--Susan Diuguid | \--Susannah Thornhill |--Jo Rice Spiller | /-- | /--Peter Belles Irvine | | \-- \--Elizabeth Catherine Irvine | /-- \--Minerva Angelia Tabor \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Elsie Schneider | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
Husband: William Root | |||
Born: | 25 Jul 1765 | at: | Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Married: | 22 May 1788 | at: | |
Died: | 1 Apr 1817 | at: | Stockbridge, Berkshire, Ma |
Father: | Azariah Root | ||
Mother: | Elizabeth Shepard | ||
Wife: (--?--) | |||
Children |
/--Thomas Root /--Joseph Root | \--Mary Spencer /--Azariah Root | | /-- | \--Sarah | \-- |--William Root | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Elizabeth Shepard | /-- \-- \--
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