Transcribed by David Phelps
British Record Society, The Index Library, V.7. Litchfield Wills and Administrations, 1516-1652. LDS Roll P 1555- 1559 0095490. Written: Jan 12 1555. Probate: 1556 May 8. Original spelling preserved.
Thomas Phylyppe,
Over Teyne, Checkeley, Staffordshire, England
Dated: 12 Jan 1555
Proven: 8 May 1556
In the name of god amen the xiith of January in the yeare of our lord god a Thousande five hundreth fefty and five. I Thomas Phylyppe of Ov'teyn wyth in the p'ysh of Chekeley beyng syek in body but havying good and perfect rememberance make my testament & last wyll in man[ne]r and forme foloyng First I bequeth my soule to allmighty god my maker & redemer and my body to be buryed in the church yard of Chekeley afore sayd.
Item I bequeth to my son Wyll[ia]m one coffer one kynnell w[ith] certayn boarde & bedstedys.
Item I bequeth to Margarett Thornecrest one hepe of corne.
Item to Alys Deye a nother hepe of corne.
Item to two chyldren of my son George this is to say Thom[a]s Phylyppe and Jane Phyllyppe to eyther of them xx d [pence].
Item to two chyldren of my son Ryc[hard] yt is to wyll John Phylyppe and Helen Phylyppe to eyther of them xx d.
Also my wyll is that when I am honestly brought home my funerall coste & dette payd & my bequethes fulfylled the resydue of all my goods both moveable & unmoveable shall remayne to Kathryn my wyff duryng her lyve if any is redyran foloying this is to say that yf my daughter Jane do marye & take to her a husbande afor the decease of my seyd wyfe Kath'n: That then my seyd wyff to gyff her a portyan of my goods accordyng to her power
And if my sayd wyf Kath'n do departe & decease afore the maryage so weddyng of my seyd daughter Jane: This then I wyll that my seyd goods shall remayne to my seyd daughter Jane after the deth of my seyd wif Kathryn Also I make Katheryn my wyff my true & lawfull executryn of this my last wyll & testament this beyng wyttenes Edmund Wytteyns Pars Watt and John Turner wyth other moe//
Here foloweth a true Inventory of all goods of Thomas Phylyppe of Over Teyne within the p[ar]ysh of Chekeley late deceassed preysed by Adminde wyttenys Pars Watt and Randall Scrangyth herine
Fyrst ij oxen the on of them bequethed to
the lorde
the pce of the other xx s
Item, on cow the pce xvj s
Item, one mare the pce x s
Item, ij sweyn the pce iij s iiij d
Item, two kytylls & on lytyll pott iiij s
Item, ij pewter dysshes w[ith] ij sacers xviij d
Item, on coffer one kynnell w[ith] certayn other woden vessels xviij
Item, on cuppeborde w[ith] a weyt borde w[ith] beddeseds & peynted clothes
ij s
Item, the part of a weyn w[ith] a barow & a plowghe v s
Item, ij geyse w[ith] a henne xvj d
Item, on wattresse w[ith] ij cov'leydds iij wyndow shets vj s
Item, iiij shetes iiij s
F[i]n[all] totales iij l xiiij s viij d
British Record Society, The Index Library, V.7 Litchfield Wills and Administrations, 1516-1652; LDS Roll P 1555- 1559 0095490
Katherine Phylypp Over Teyne, Checkeley, Staffordshire, England Dated: 15 Sep. 1558 Proven: 10 Apr 1559
In the name of god amenthe xth day of September in th eyere of our lorde god ylcccc ___ . I Katheryn Phylyppe of Overteyne wythin the p[ar]yse of Chekley beyng holl in mynde and of p[erf]y[c]t memorye butt syke in body doe make ordeyne and declare my testament and last wyll in man[ner] and forme folowyng. First I bequeth my soule unto allmyghty god my maker and redemer and my body to be buryed in the p[ar]ysh church yerd of Chekley afore sayd.
Item I bequeth to Margarett Thorncrest for hur peynes taken w__e one hepe of corne.
Item to Alys Daye a nother hepe of corne. Itme to Helen Phylyppe one whete pete te.
Item I wyll that George my son have x s.
Item to Wyll[ia]m my son x s & to Ryc[hard] my son x s.
Item the resydue of all my goods when dette & funrall costs be payde & ny bequeths fulfylled, shall remayne to my daughter Jane accordyng to the wyll & testament of my husband Thomas Phylyppe new deceassed.
Item I wyll yt Robert Arnold & Ryc[hard] Phylyppe my son shall be the o dr g th of my sayd daughter Jane & also of hur goodes
Also I make my true and lawful executure Ryc[hard] my son & Jane my daughter and I make ov[er]seer of my wyll & testament Robert Arnold. These beyng wyttenes Ryc[hard] Wayne my gostly father Wyll[ia]m __uatenrll and Thomas __alyndon w[ith] other moe/
Here folowyth a true Inventory of all the goods of Kathery[n] Phylyppe now deceassed made the viij day of October & preysed by
Fyrst one ____ the pryce xx s
Item, to twynters xxvi s vij d
Item, to yey yerlyng calves x s
Item, to weynyng calves vj s viij d
Item, ii old potts iij s iiij d
Item, iiii pewter dyshes ij s_ie ij s
Item, on[e] coffer on[e] kynell xij d
Item, on[e] wegte borde w[ith] all other wodden vessels viij d
Item, a wattresse ij cove'ledes iiij wy'doshetes |
Item, vj shetes | vj s viij d
Item, ij sweyn vj s
Item ij geyse & ij hennys xvj d
F[i]n[all] totals iiij l iiij d
Thomas Phylypp of Over Teyne, Checkley, Staffordshire, England wrote his will on the 12th of January 1555 and it was proven on the 8th of May 1556. He cites four children with possibly two other maried daughters. Two of his children, George and Richard already have two children each of thier own, this would lead us to believe that they were born at least 20 years earlier, or before 1535. This would place Thomas's birth before 1515 and probably in Over Teyne and his death between 12 Jan. 1555 and 8 May 1556 in Over Teyne.
Katherine Phylyppe, the wife of Thomas, wrote her will on 15 Sep. 1558 and it was proven 10 Apr. 1559. The inventory was conducted the 8th of October 1559. She mentions in her will children George, William, Richard and Jane as well as her deceased husband. Jane appears to still be unmarried. She also mentions Alys Deye and Margaret Thorncrest.
Thomas Phylyppe b. bef 1514 in Over Teyne, Checkley, Staffordshire, England d. 1556 in Over Teyne, Checkley, Staffordshire, England m Katheryn (*) Phylypp b. bef 1514 in Over Teyne, Checkley, Staffordshire, England m. bef 1534 in Over Teyne, Checkley, Staffordshire, England d. 1558 in Over Teyne, Checkley, Staffordshire, England
Thomas Phylyppe b. bef 1556
Jane Phylyppe b. bef 1556
Rychard Phylyppe b. bef 1536 d. aft 1556. Children:
John Phylyppe b. bef 1556
Helen Phylyppe b. bef 1556
? Wyll[ia]m __uatenrll Witness to Katherine's willCompiled March 2, 1999 by:David Phelps 304 Bridlewood North, Colleyville, Texas 76034