Transcribed byDavid Phelps 304 Bridlewood North, Colleyville, Texas 76034
1553 May 2
Francis Phylyppe
Checkley, England
Dated 21 July 1552
"In the name of god amen the xii st day of July the year of our lord god m ccccc lij [1552]. I Francis Phylyppe of Nether Teyne within the parish of Chekeley sicke in body butt beyng of perfect mynd & memorye make ordain and declare my testament and last will in form as followyng: First I bequithe my soul to almighty god my maker and redeamer and my body to be buried in the church yard of Chekeley aforsaid.
Item I bequeth to the p dre _____ be_e of the sayd church of Chekeley iij d [pence].
Item to my sister Margarett Banyster a _____.
Item to Wyttin Horeton my son in lawe ij twynters goyng in agerfley par__.
Item to John Phylyppe the son of Ryc [Rychard] Phylyppe a weynyng calf and a ewe wyth a lamb.
Item to Margarett and Jane Phylyppe the daughters of Ryc Phylyppe my son to eyther of them a ewe and a lamb.
Item to Elizabeth Masse[?] ij wedders.
Item to Katheryn Setton my _y_ande ij wedders.
Item to John Banyster a ewe and a lamb.
Item my wyll is that my wyfe shall have my house after my decease and after her decease to remayne to John my son according to the r_dentur: butt my wyll is that John my son shall let hys brother Ryc duryng hys life to have and to occupy ^ a olase ^ and learne standy'g by the wykde called dycbyn fyche wyth a craft at the crosse & iij beaste greyse in heyrygge & ii daye worke of grande in eny feld? and the sayd John to helpe the said Ryc to plow the said daye worke of grande and the said Ryc to pay yearly to the said John his brother of rent vi s [shilling] viii d [pence].
Item my will is that John my son shall pay to Wyttin Horeton my son in law the sume of iij li [pounds?] xvj s [shilling] vij d [pence] of hys cre [childs?] part & portion that he shall have of my goods further more my wyll is: that all my goods and my detts payd and my bequests fulfylled shall be equally devyded betweyn my wife Margarett and my two sonnys John and Rychard.
Item I ordain and make my true and lawful executors Margarett my wyfe and my two sonnys John and Ryc [Rychard] these beying witnesses
Rychard Wayn curett of Chekeley Robert Arnold and Wyttin Ralyn wyth copy."
From LDS Roll 095489, Wills & Admin. of Stafford, England, Will of Francis Phylyppe, Dated July 21, 1552 proven May 1553.
Outline of above mentioned relations:
David Phelps 304 Bridlewood North, Colleyville, Texas 76034