Copy of will by which Mrs. Claggett came into possession of her fortune. Original shown to Special Comisr.
9 Mile Reach January 21st 1854.
Know all men by these presents that by an agreement between my beloved wife Malinda Sanford and myself that we regard ourselves as equal in property with the following exceptions erj: The Girl Celia & Child and the woman Betsy and her children are the sepperate property of Malinda Sanford and the boy Isham is the sepperate [sic] property of Luther M. Sanford.
This my last Will and Testament. Witnesseth that should I die before my beloved wife Malinda Sanford that I wish her to keep and have all our property as long as she lives Except that I wish her if my half sister Elisabeth Cockrill is living or has children living to give her or them three Hundred dollars per annum for five years, if my said half sister should be dead and have no children, then I wish the three hundred Dollars per annum for five years to be given to my Cousin Julia F. Claggett of New Baltimore Forquar County Virginia or to her children. Should she be dead, at the death of my wife I wish Luther Good Willson to have my interest in the Plantation that I now reside on in the 9 Mile Reach, and the boy isham, i wish set free provided that he shall be first hired out for three years for his own benefit or to raise money to carry him to Liberia should he wish to go there - at the expiration of the three years I wish three hundred Dollars to be given to the Isham out of my estates. If my half sister Elisabeth Cockrill should be living or have children living I wish her or them to have all the remainder of my property and money. should she be dead and have no child living then i wish my Cousin Julia F. Claggett or in case of her death her children to have all the remainder of my property. The last I heard of my half sister I understood that she was going to school in Alexandria, Fairfax County, Virginia and living with a Mrs. Simms. I wish my Administrators to apertain the residence of my heirs above named. should Luther Good Willson die without any child then I wish my interest in the Plantation above named to go to my heirs about mentioned.
I do hereby appoint Ferdinand M. Goodrich and Dr. I. H. D. Bowman Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
L. M. Sanford.
[Lt. L. M. Sanford arrive St. Charles Hotel New Orleans Feb 26 1856].
I wish my negroes treated well L. M. Sanford .
I do not wish any division of property to take place until the death of my wife Malinda Sanford but wish her to apply the three hundred Dollars above named annually for five years.
L. M. Sanford.
I Parke W De France clerk of the Tenth Judicial District Court of the Parish of Carroll Louisiana do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the original Will of L. M. Sanford Filed in my office on the 3d day of December A. D 1857 and now on file and of Record in my office.
Given under my hand and seal.
of our said court this the 7th day.
of October A D 1858.
P W de France clD.
Memorandum of notes with interest, due to Mrs. Julia F. Claggett, from Sam'l Bond & his wife, Malinda (now Malinda Williams) left with Martin & Balch, attys, Memphis, Tenn.
Note due March 16th 1860 (dated Mch. 16th 1859) $5664.66.
Int. for 6 years, 9 mos. & 15 days to Jan'y 1st 1867- 2747.58.
Note due Mch. 16th 1861 (dated Mch. 16th 1859 5664.66.
Int. for 5 years, 9 mos. & 15 days, to Jan'y 1st 1867- 2346.30.
Note due Mch. 16th 1862 (dated Mch. 16th 1859) 5664.66.
Int. for 4 years, 9 mos. & 15 days, to Jan'y. 1st 1867 1941.18.
Total due to Jan'y. 1st 1867- $24029.04.
Memphis, Tenn. Jan. 4. 1867.f.
Rec'd. of Mrs. Julia F. Claggett, by her agent & attorney in fact, William Francis, the above described notes, for collection, or compromise as to us may seem most expedient. We hereby agreeing to exercise our best discretion in collecting, compromising or compounding said notes according as may appear to us to be for the best interest of the said Mrs. Claggett.
Martin & Balch.
Atty's at Law -.
The above is a copy of the original held by Mrs. Claggett and exhibited to the Special Commissioner.
Copy of contract by which Mrs. Claggett sold her farm after the war. Original shown to Special Commissioner.
Memo: of agreement between Julia F. Claggett & Gustave R. B. Horner - The said Julia F. Claggett agrees to sell to the said Horner the farm she lives on of 271 Acres 2 Roads & 28 poles for eight thousand nine hundred and seventy five dollars & twenty seven cents - $8063.57 to be paid to Joseph Horner - being the sum which will be due him on the said farm up to the 1st day of January 1867 - and the balance of nine hundred & one dollars & seventy cents to be paid to her in the following manner: three hundred in hand and the balance when the said Julia gives full possession to the said G. R. B. Horner- the said Julia to retain possession of the house she occupies with liberty of fire wood till the first day of May 1867 - but the rest of the farm to be put in possession of the said G. R. B. Horner on the first of Jan - 1867 - The said Julia agrees to waive the stay law and allow the land to be sold by George B. Horner Trustee in the deed of trust from her for the benefit of Joseph Horner so as to vest a good title in said Gustave & also agrees to clear the land of any other incumbrance on it whether of debts or taxes, except the one due Jos. Horner. To the performance of the above we bind ourselves, our heirs &c this 20th day of September 1866.
Witness Julia F. Claggett {seal}.
Thos. J. Claggett
G. R. B. Horner {seal}.