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Husband: Addison Burgess | |||
Born: | 20 Mar 1814 | at: | Fauquier, Virginia, United States |
Married: | 12 Mar 1845 | at: | Fauquier, Virginia, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Wife: Mary Ann Utterback | |||
Born: | 29 Oct 1817 | at: | New Baltimore, Fauquier, Virginia, United States |
Died: | 17 May 1852 | at: | Prince William Co., Virginia, USA |
Father: | Nathaniel Utterback | ||
Mother: | Mary 'Molly' Tomlin | ||
Sources: | [1868] | ||
Children |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Addison Burgess | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/--Johann Heinrich Otterbach /--Harmon Otterbach | \--Agnes Brumback /--Nathaniel Utterback | | /-- | \--Elizabeth Crump | \-- |--Mary Ann Utterback | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Mary 'Molly' Tomlin | /-- \-- \--
@1 [1868] [S44]
Husband: George Thornhill Diuguid | |||
Born: | 5 May 1856 | at: | |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 15 Jun 1931 | at: | |
Father: | William Diuguid | ||
Mother: | Harriett Lucinda Diuguid | ||
Sources: | [3786] | ||
Wife: Mattle L. Cade | |||
Born: | 20 Apr 1863 | at: | Nace, Botetourt, Virginia, USA |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children |
/--George Diuguid /--William Sampson Diuguid | \--Nancy Sampson /--William Diuguid | | /--Jesse Thornhill | \--Susannah Thornhill | \--Elizabeth (Stevens) Stephens |--George Thornhill Diuguid | /--George Diuguid | /--Sampson Diuguid | | \--Nancy Sampson \--Harriett Lucinda Diuguid | /--George Diuguid \--Martha Bradley Patteson \--Sarah Oglesby
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Mattle L. Cade | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
@1 [3786] [S89]
Husband: Obadiah Phelps | |||
Born: | 26 Nov 1800 | at: | Becket, Massachusetts, USA |
Married: | 17 Nov 1829 | at: | |
Died: | 4 Mar 1831 | at: | Canandaigua, New York, USA |
Father: | Obadiah Phelps | ||
Mother: | Lucy Pelton | ||
Notes: | [4114] | ||
Wife: Eleanor Booth | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Lucy Phelps | ||
Born: | ABT 1830 | at: | Canandaigua, New York, USA |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | (--?--) Phelps | ||
Born: | ABT 1831 | at: | Canandaigua, New York, USA |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/--Israel Phelps /--Noah Phelps | \--Rachel Jones Clark /--Obadiah Phelps | | /--Thomas Abbe | \--Hannah Abbe | \--Mary Pease |--Obadiah Phelps | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Lucy Pelton | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Eleanor Booth | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
[4114] Dr. Obadiah Phelps, b. East Windsor (Becket, Mass in [G354]) 26, Nov.,1800, removed with his father to Turin, NY, m. Eleanor Booth. Mr. Phelps studied medicine, settled and practiced in Canandaigua where he died 4 March, 1831. -- Phelps Family of America, Phelps and Servin 1899, Vol. 2 pg. 1399 [G713]
Husband: Franklin Pierce Cilley | |||
Born: | 2 Feb 1853 | at: | Warrensburg, Warren, New York, United States |
Married: | 15 Sep 1872 | at: | Warrensburg, Warren, New York, United States |
Died: | 1 Mar 1908 | at: | Bolton, Warren, New York, USA |
Father: | Elbridge Gerry Cilley | ||
Mother: | Sylvia Ann Phelps | ||
Wife: Orletta M. Roberts | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Notes: | [5067] | ||
Children |
/-- /-- | \-- /--Elbridge Gerry Cilley | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Franklin Pierce Cilley | /--Norman Phelps Sr. | /--Norman Phelps Jr. | | \--Sarah Cole \--Sylvia Ann Phelps | /--Norman Phelps Sr. \--Hannah Chase \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Orletta M. Roberts | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
[5067] Orletta and Franklin had 3 children.
Husband: Juel Reed Schow | |||
Born: | 8 May 1914 | at: | Weston, Idaho |
Married: | 11 Mar 1939 | at: | Alameda, Alameda, California |
Died: | 16 Apr 2004 | at: | |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Wife: Lucille Morgan | |||
Born: | 23 Sep 1916 | at: | Hunt, Arizona |
Died: | 23 Sep 2010 | at: | |
Father: | Mathias Cowley Morgan | ||
Mother: | Mildred Pearce | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Gerald Lawrence Schow [13843] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Larry Reed Schow [14041] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Juel Reed Schow | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/--Garrard Morgan /--John Hamilton Morgan | \--Eliza Ann Hamilton /--Mathias Cowley Morgan | | /--Samuel Linton | \--Mary Ann Linton | \--Ellen Sutton |--Lucille Morgan | /--James Pearce | /--James William Pearce | | \--Mary Jane Meeks \--Mildred Pearce | /--James Pearce \--Vilate Oakley \--Louisa Jones
[13843] This person is presumed living.
[14041] This person is presumed living.
Husband: Timothy E. York | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | at: | ||
Mother: | at: | ||
Wife: Michelin Madsen | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | at: | ||
Mother: | at: | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Jennifer York [13872] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Jonathon York [13922] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | April Celeste York [13935] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Amber York [13924] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | David York [13925] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /--Hugh John York | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Timothy E. York | /--Josiah Howe Loveland Sr. | /--Josiah Howe Loveland Jr. | | \--Esther Ada King \--Donna Loveland | /--Josiah Howe Loveland Sr. \--Nancy Afton Tolman \--Eliza Ann Riley
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Michelin Madsen | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
[7527] This person is presumed living.
[13871] This person is presumed living.
[13872] This person is presumed living.
[13922] This person is presumed living.
[13935] This person is presumed living.
[13924] This person is presumed living.
[13925] This person is presumed living.
Husband: (--?--) | |||
Wife: Mary D. Latimer | |||
Born: | 30 Aug 1797 | at: | Tennessee, United States |
Died: | 9 May 1858 | at: | Abington, Knox, Illinois, USA |
Father: | Joseph Latimer | ||
Mother: | Ann Dobbins | ||
Children |
/--Jonathan Latimer Sr. /--Jonathan Latimer Jr. | \--Barodel (Borrodil) Denison /--Joseph Latimer | | /--George Griswold Sr. | \--Lucretia Griswold | \--Hannah Lynde |--Mary D. Latimer | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Ann Dobbins | /-- \-- \--
Husband: Georg of Brunswick-Kalenberg | |||
Born: | 1583 | at: | Prussia |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | Wilhelm Guelph of Brunswick-Kalenberg | ||
Mother: | |||
Wife: Anna Eleonore of Hesse-Darmstadt | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Ernest Augustus of Hanover | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | Sophia Hanover |
/-- /-- | \-- /--Wilhelm Guelph of Brunswick-Kalenberg | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Georg of Brunswick-Kalenberg | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Anna Eleonore of Hesse-Darmstadt | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
Husband: Thomas Mallory | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | Roger Mallory | ||
Mother: | |||
Notes: | [12294] | ||
Wife: Elizabeth Higgason | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Notes: | [12295] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Philip Mallory, Sr. [12276] | ||
Born: | 1722 | at: | King and Queen County, Virginia, USA |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | ABT 28 Oct 1811 | at: | After10 Apr 1811 |
Spouses: | Lucinda Pines | ||
Name: | Thomas Mallory [12296] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Henry Higgason Mallory [12297] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Elizabeth Mallory [12298] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | John Mallory [12299] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/--Thomas Mallory Reverend /--Thomas Mallory Reverend | \-- /--Roger Mallory | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Thomas Mallory | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Elizabeth Higgason | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
[12294] Martha Hicks to Steve Connolly ( National Genealogy Society 61, 125-31.
[12295] Martha Hicks to Steve Connolly ( National Genealogy Society 61, 125-31.
[12276] Carol Mitchell ( 2/14/01 National Genealogy Society 61, 125-31. From Martha Hicks to Steve Connolly ( Fauquier County, VA Wills 5:226 In the name of God,. Amen. I, Philip Mallory Sr., of Fauquier Countybeing of sound and disposing mind and memory thanks to the Lord for thesame, but knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, Do make andordain this my last Will and Testament. Item It is my will that after my decease the whole of my Estate realand personal shall be sold for ready money and the money arisingtherefrom to be divided as follows Item I give to my grandchildren John Mallory Southerland, Lucy Mallory,Elizabeth Peay and Jane Carpenter the children of my deceased DaughterGrissell Southerland, one ninth part of my Estate to equally dividedbetween them, to them and their Heirs forever. Item I give to my son Philip Mallory, one ninth part of the moneyarising from the sale of my Estate and to his Daughters, Sarah MartinUstace and Ann Prater after his decease. Item I give to my grandchildren Mary M. Kenny, Betsy Foly, Nancy Folyand Edward Mallory, the Children of my deceased son Clement PinesMallory, one ninth part of the money arising from the sale of my Estateto be equally divided between them, to them and their heirs forever. Item I give to my Daughter, Elizabeth Waggoner, one ninth part of themoney arising from the sale of my Estate and after her decease to herDaughters Polly Waggoner and Elisabeth Waggoner. Item I give to my grandchildren, David Cobb, Philip Mallory Cobb,Susanna H. Hill and Elisabeth Cobb, the children of deceased DaughterJane Cobb one ninth part of the money arising from the sale of myEstate, but on this express condition, that they pay to my Executors thesum due from their deceased father to me. Item I give to my son Roger Mallory one ninth part of the money arisingfrom the sale of my Estate to him and his heirs forever. Item I give to my son, Thomas Mallory, one ninth part of the moneyarising from the sale of my Estate to him and his heirs forever. Item I give to my son William Mallory one ninth part of the moneyarising from the sale of my Estate to him and his heirs forever. Item I give to my son James Mallory one ninth part of the money fromthe sale of my Estate to him and his Heirs forever. Lastly, I do appointmy son Thomas Mallory and Benjamin Dawson Executors to this my Will andTestament hereby revoking all other wills by me made. In Testamentwhereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first Day of Novemberin the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eight. PhilipMallory (Signed by mark) Signed and sealed in our presence Joseph G.Dawson Jr. (?) John R. Short (?) George Morehead Nathaniel Grigsby Asa Massie A codicil to the above Will and Testament I Philip( Mallory), through thegoodness of the Lord, do still retain my intellecrtual (powers) of mindand memory, do constitute, make and ordain this writing as a codicil tomy last will and Testament made, signed and sealed on the first day ofNov.__(not legible__) eight and do desire good faith and (__notlegible____)__ may be given to the same as though the contents thereofhad been set forth in the body of my above said last will and Testament.Item I give to the heirs of my deceased grand daughter Susanna H. Hill,deceased, one Dollar. Item I give unto my grand daughter Elisabeth Cobbone Dollar to be paid unto each of them out of my Estate by my Executorsbefore they shall make the division of my estate amongst my children andgrandchildren. and I do hereby revoke and annul that part of my will,which goes to give to the heirs of said Susanna H. Hill and ElisabethCobb an equal portion of one ninth part of my Estate with David Cobb andPhilip Mallory Cobb and I do advise and direct my executors above namedto equally divide the one ninth of my estate which was devised unto thesaid Susanna H. Hill and Elizabeth Cobb to be equally divided between mytwo grandsons, David Cobb and Philip Mallory Cobb to them and theirheirs forever. In testimony whereof I have set my hand and seal thistenth day of April, one thousand and eight hundred and eleven. (Thewords "Mallory" between the first and second lines and the word "power"between the second and third line interlined before signed.) (These arethe words that I have in parentheses, M. Hicks) Signed and sealed inpresence of: Philip Mallory(X) Seal Asa Massie George Morehead NathanielGrigsby At a court held for Fauquier County on the 28th day of October1811, this last will and Testament of Philip Mallory Sen. dec'd was inopen Court proved by George Morehead together with the Codicil theretoannexed was also proved by the oath of Asa Massie and George MoreheadSubscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on themotion of Thomas Mallory and Benjamin Dawson, the Executors thereinnamed who made oath thereto and together with George Morehead, BenjaminFarrow, Asa Massey, William P. Richards, William Eustace, James Malloryand Thomas Humston their securities entered into and acknowledged Bondin the penalty of Four thousand pounds conditioned as the Law directs,certificate is granted them for obtaining probate thereof in due form.Teste ? ? Campbell, CC In the name of God,. Amen. I, Philip Mallory Sr., of Fauquier Countybeing of sound and disposing mind and memory thanks to the Lord for thesame, but knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, Do make andordain this my last Will and Testament. Item It is my will that after my decease the whole of my Estate realand personal shall be sold for ready money and the money arisingtherefrom to be divided as follows Item I give to my grandchildren John Mallory Southerland, Lucy Mallory,Elizabeth Peay and Jane Carpenter the children of my deceased DaughterGrissell Southerland, one ninth part of my Estate to equally dividedbetween them, to them and their Heirs forever. Item I give to my son Philip Mallory, one ninth part of the moneyarising from the sale of my Estate and to his Daughters, Sarah MartinUstace and Ann Prater after his decease. Item I give to my grandchildren Mary M. Kenny, Betsy Foly, Nancy Folyand Edward Mallory, the Children of my deceased son Clement PinesMallory, one ninth part of the money arising from the sale of my Estateto be equally divided between them, to them and their heirs forever.Item I give to my Daughter, Elizabeth Waggoner, one ninth part of themoney arising from the sale of my Estate and after her decease to herDaughters Polly Waggoner and Elisabeth Waggoner. Item I give to my grandchildren, David Cobb, Philip Mallory Cobb,Susanna H. Hill and Elisabeth Cobb, the children of deceased DaughterJane Cobb one ninth part of the money arising from the sale of myEstate, but on this express condition, that they pay to my Executors thesum due from their deceased father to me. Item I give to my son Roger Mallory one ninth part of the money arisingfrom the sale of my Estate to him and his heirs forever. Item I give to my son, Thomas Mallory, one ninth part of the moneyarising from the sale of my Estate to him and his heirs forever. Item I give to my son William Mallory one ninth part of the moneyarising from the sale of my Estate to him and his heirs forever. Item I give to my son James Mallory one ninth part of the money fromthe sale of my Estate to him and his Heirs forever. Lastly, I do appointmy son Thomas Mallory and Benjamin Dawson Executors to this my Will andTestament hereby revoking all other wills by me made. In Testamentwhereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first Day of Novemberin the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eight. PhilipMallory (Signed by mark) Signed and sealed in our presence Joseph G.Dawson Jr. (?) John R. Short (?) George Morehead Nathaniel Grigsby Asa Massie A codicil to the above Will and Testament I Philip( Mallory), through thegoodness of the Lord, do still retain my intellecrtual (powers) of mindand memory, do constitute, make and ordain this writing as a codicil tomy last will and Testament made, signed and sealed on the first day ofNov.__(not legible__) eight and do desire good faith and (__notlegible____)__ may be given to the same as though the contents thereofhad been set forth in the body of my above said last will and Testament.Item I give to the heirs of my deceased grand daughter Susanna H. Hill,deceased, one Dollar. Item I give unto my grand daughter Elisabeth Cobbone Dollar to be paid unto each of them out of my Estate by my Executorsbefore they shall make the division of my estate amongst my children andgrandchildren. and I do hereby revoke and annul that part of my will,which goes to give to the heirs of said Susanna H. Hill and ElisabethCobb an equal portion of one ninth part of my Estate with David Cobb andPhilip Mallory Cobb and I do advise and direct my executors above namedto equally divide the one ninth of my estate which was devised unto thesaid Susanna H. Hill and Elizabeth Cobb to be equally divided between mytwo grandsons, David Cobb and Philip Mallory Cobb to them and theirheirs forever. In testimony whereof I have set my hand and seal thistenth day of April, one thousand and eight hundred and eleven. Signedand sealed in presence of: Philip Mallory(X) Seal Asa Massie GeorgeMorehead Nathaniel Grigsby At a court held for Fauquier County on the28th day of October 1811, this last will and Testament of Philip MallorySen. dec'd was in open Court proved by George Morehead together with theCodicil thereto annexed was also proved by the oath of Asa Massie andGeorge Morehead Subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to berecorded. And on the motion of Thomas Mallory and Benjamin Dawson, theExecutors therein named who made oath thereto and together with GeorgeMorehead, Benjamin Farrow, Asa Massey, William P. Richards, WilliamEustace, James Mallory and Thomas Humston their securities entered intoand acknowledged Bond in the penalty of Four thousand pounds conditionedas the Law directs, certificate is granted them for obtaining probatethereof in due form. Teste ? ? Campbell, CC
[12296] Martha Hicks to Steve Connolly ( National Genealogy Society 61, 125-31.
[12297] Martha Hicks to Steve Connolly ( National Genealogy Society 61, 125-31.
[12298] Martha Hicks to Steve Connolly ( National Genealogy Society 61, 125-31.
[12299] Martha Hicks to Steve Connolly ( National Genealogy Society 61, 125-31.
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